Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Don't you have that sinking feeling?
Don't lie to me, i know you do.

You do have it buried
So deep down within you.

It follows you eternally, from the day
When the first thing went wrong
And it's always there now, biding its time,
Slinking away on sunnier days
But right back in position when finally
all that gloom gets to you.

It so often does, doesn't it?

There it is, listening to all we say.
itching to creep back into
one of us. And when it does,
(as it is sure to do)
the invisible ice-cube will slide gently,
Cruelly down the spine
And ugly thoughts will spin
Like children in a merry-go-round
Within the impenetrable fort of our

Didn't your stomach just give a turn
at the thought? I'm sure mine did.

1 comment:

Ishani Shambhobi Ghosh said...

apt representation of "gloom". keep going.

u can chek my new poem on my blog.