Saturday, January 5, 2008

constipation, mainly

i don't know why i do blogs...maybe mainly because i have nothing better to do...someone told me 'i'm going to write about constipation'.......i'm sorry for stealing his idea....but i think this not stealing...just borrowing....

constipation is not a sickness......its a feeling, expression, and state of often have you not looked at some person on tv and said 'i'm sure this guy hasn't cleared his insides this morning'......but that really has nothing to do with whether or not he has....its just the expression he wears on his face....also someone who is actually constipated may look happy and this idea about him not pooing will not even once enter your mind...

maybe this is because we, in our subconscious minds,believe that the morning poo is the most satisfying of things and a person's facial expression of satisfaction or irritation is partially controlled by it.... why, i wonder.

1 comment:

Dijo said...

Me thinks its all rather unfair. Ever noticed the pompous looks on the faces of kings and other royalty? Compare that to the face of a constipated man.. Note the similarity and then wonder.